Sunday, June 21, 2009

Calories Burning Time

Just one weekend with a stranger, mumzie said I put on some ounces, so did Sean aka Fat Boy (youngest sibling). Because Fat Boy consumed more that he should over the recent weekend at a wedding reception, mumzie thought both of us could use some burning out. Following photos suggest our "work-out" session.

The punch's coming....

Arrg... my tummy...

And another punch.... I'm seeing stars...
The "lift"

The "somersault"

My turn! Run.. Fat Boy, run.....

And... the winner is..... Nikki, the Pug!!!!

Told you guys earlier, Fat Boy thought I am his wrestling mate.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


There she goes. I.... knew it. Mumzie's leaving me this weekend. I'll be all... alone.

"Lonely, I'm so lonely on... my own......"
Mumzie putting me up with some "*#&(*&$*". God knows who is that. I don't know.
Hmm.......That someone better have bed for me to sleep in instead of crate. I get nightmares in crate!
I miss mumzie already.